Acquire and transmit skills

While continuing your activity, you validate technical skills by obtaining the Knowledge of Ethological Riding from the French Equestrian Federation (FFE). You validate the Certificates of Competence in Ethological Riding (formerly BFE EE 1 & 2) which will allow you to teach ethological riding to your riders. You access numerous theoretical and practical supports of the La Cense Method and develop your knowledge of horse behavior during lessons given by ethologists. 

Find the full program by clicking here.

Validate the 5 Ethological Riding Knowledge

The Ethological riding knowledge are diplomas from the French Equestrian Federation. They validate knowledge about the nature of the horse and practical know-how. For riding teachers, obtain this Knowledge and a prerequisite for passing the Certificates of Competence in Ethological Riding (formerly BFE EE 1 and 2).

KNOWLEDGE 1: Understanding and approaching the horse

Convenient on foot

Trust :

  • Capture attention and gain mutual trust when approaching the horse.


  • Approach a horse with mutual respect for personal spaces.
  • Put on a halter after having obtained the horse's acceptance.



  1. Theoretical knowledge :
  • Learn to observe.
  • Sensory world of the horse.
  • Basic knowledge of communication signals.
  • Notions on the principles of learning.
  1. Practical knowledge:
  • Understand the spirit of a good human/horse relationship.
  • Know the means available to the rider to communicate on foot: all communication tools (body language, and its extensions, voice, etc.)
  1. Care:
  • Perform a complete dressing.
  • Clean your feet.



KNOWLEDGE 2: Communicate on foot at a reduced distance using a net or halter

Convenient on foot

Trust :

  • Capture attention and obtain mutual trust at any time during the session.


  • Control pace and direction: on bare ground without pitfalls and when passing simple pitfalls, using different types of driving (in front, to the side, behind).
  • Being able to mobilize the front and back of the hand in a relaxed manner from a stop.


  1. Theoretical knowledge :
  • Individual variations, horse temperament.
  • Social life (structure, organization of groups).
  • Know the consequences of predatory behavior.
  1. Practical knowledge:
  • Know how to become a horse referent.
  • The different types of driving and their interest depending on the horses.
  1. Care:
  • Food concept.



KNOWLEDGE 3: Knowing how to communicate with your mounted horse


Trust :

  • Obtain an attentive mutual relationship in the relaxation and relaxation of the horse at all times of the session.


  • Control pace and direction at all three gaits, independently of other horses, on bare ground without pitfalls (or simple pitfalls).
  • Be able to mobilize the forehand and hindquarters in a relaxed manner, from a standstill, at a walk and a trot.


  1. Theoretical knowledge :
  • Lifestyles, rhythms, health, stereotypes.
  1. Practical knowledge:
  • Know the means of communication available to the mounted rider.
  • Know the main qualities to be understood.
  1. Care:
  • Put on protections



KNOWLEDGE 4: Communicate on foot freely and on a lanyard


Trust :

  • Obtain an attentive mutual relationship from a distance in the relaxation and relaxation of the horse.


  • Control speed and direction on a precise route in each gait: in a closed space in freedom and on bare ground and when crossing obstacles with the lanyard.


  1. Theoretical knowledge :
  • Social behavior of horses: lifestyle, functioning in the herd.
  1. Practical knowledge:
  • Differences between each horse. Know how to adapt to everyone.
  1. Care (practical around the horse):
  • Land


KNOWLEDGE 5: Refine the communication on horseback


Trust :

  • Maintain an attentive mutual relationship in the relaxation and relaxation of the horse during the session.


  • Control speed and direction on a precise route in each gait in the quarry and outside: on bare ground without pitfalls and when passing pitfalls.
  • Combine the mobilization of the different parts of the horse.


  1. Theoretical knowledge :
  • Deepening the theoretical notions of Knowledge 1 to 4.
  1. Practical knowledge:
  • Knowing how to organize, manage and adapt your work with your horse.
  • Know the signs of relaxation on horseback.

Prepare the CCIEE and CCPEE (formerly BF)

Following the reform of vocational training, from January 2025 the BFE will now be called Certificates of competence (Level 1 becomes the CCIEE and level 2 becomes the CCPEE).

They validate your teaching skills in ethological horse riding. They allow you to pass and validate the Ethological knowledge to your students.

Pass the CCIEE and CCPEE (formerly BF) exams

La Cense organizes examination sessions for the passing of the Certificates of Competence in Ethological Equitation. They are open to all teachers validating the prerequisites, whether or not they have prepared at La Cense.


  • 26-27 May 2025
  • 16-17 June 2025
  • 24-25 2025 November


Exam registration cost
The cost of registering for the exams is 150 euros for the CCI and CCP EE. For resitting one or two UCs, the cost is 60 euros per UC taken.
If you wish to have your training financed, please specify this at least 1 month before the start of the training. The La Cense team is at your disposal to support your procedures by email to or by telephone at 01 30 88 49 09.

How to register ?
To register, please complete this online form and return it to us by email to or mail.







Most frequently asked questions

La Cense welcomes personal horses as part of professional training in Knowledge 1 to 3, and Knowledge 4 and 5, on the condition that they are able to follow the programs. The costs associated with the personal horse must be added to the training costs.

Only people holding a management diploma can apply to take the CCI and CCP EE. The list of diplomas allowing access to this certification is available on the FFE website.