Deepen horse education

La Cense supports you in the education and knowledge of your horse from home. With the “La Cense at home” training, you educate your horse on foot and in the saddle using the La Cense Method. With the “Everything about horses” training courses, you learn the essential knowledge about horses thanks to the expertise of numerous participants (agronomists, ethologists, veterinarians, geneticists, etc.).

La Cense Method Training

In this unique training, La Cense instructors come to your home through educational videos thanks to personalized monitoring.







Training Everything you need to know about horses

The essential knowledge about horses using innovative teaching methods: videos, synthetic course materials, various quizzes, enriched information to go further.

Most frequently asked questions

The educational progression of the La Cense Method begins with the presentation of fundamental principles, which are useful throughout your learning. These are theoretical bases, an approach to the horse as a whole, within a defined framework; and technical bases, such as handling the equipment, the ability to master one's gestures and positioning as well as the implementation of automatisms in interactions with the horse. We therefore recommend following the La Cense Method training online, starting with the Walking Education training.

The walking approach, with defined objectives and a marked progression, requires a new awareness of one's bodily attitude, one's positioning in relation to the horse and the means implemented to communicate with him. This learning phase is of even more interest to people used to working with horses, because they discover new sensations. They quickly transpose these new techniques when they go on horseback.

Face-to-face sessions can only be followed within the DESE training, it is impossible to follow them independently.