Our endowment fund
In 2018, William Kriegel created the La Cense Endowment Fund in order to continue the work of La Cense in a philanthropic approach.

Supporting society on animal welfare
These last years, the question of the place of domestic and livestock animals in our society has taken on more and more importance. Paradoxically, many city dwellers no longer have contact or interactions with some of them.
The La Cense Endowment Fund supports society in its questions regarding animal wellbeing to evolve practices and awareness based on the relationship between human beings and horses
Our areas of intervention
The La Cense Endowment Fund aims to promote the relationship between humans and horses, a relationship which is part of their common well-being and respect for nature.
To meet its mission, the endowment fund works on three complementary and interdependent axes:
- education
- equine mediation
- Culture
The actions carried out by the La Cense Endowment Fund are financed thanks to your donations and your purchases on our site. All Cense profits are donated each year to the Endowment Fund and contribute to our actions to raise awareness of the relationship between humans and animals, to reconnect us with nature. These actions were imagined thanks to lessons learned from our ancestral relationship with the horse.