
Knowledge training 1-2-3



2 months











With this training, you validate your knowledge of the nature of the horse and practical know-how in ethological riding. This Knowledge will allow you to move on to Ethological Knowledge 4 to 5.

INCLUDED IN THE TRAINING: the book The La Cense Method and access to degrees 1 to 4 of the La Cense Method in video.


  • Be a professional in the equine sector
  • Have a horse with which to follow the training


You will follow 2-month training (6 weeks remotely and 6 days face-to-face).

During this training, you will cover degrees 1 to 4 of the La Cense Method:

  • Understanding and approaching the horse
  • Communicate on foot, at a reduced distance, in a halter
  • Communicate with your mounted horse


Consult the program here

Course of the training

The training consists of 2 sessions of 3 days in person and 45 days of distance learning, according to the following organization:

  • An first 2-week remote session on our online training platform, followed by 3 days in person, on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 14 p.m. to 17:30 p.m., to complete the first part of the exercises for degrees 1 to 4 and answer the first questionnaire of the exam.
  • An second 4-week remote session on the La Cense training platform with preparation and production of an exam video, followed by 3 days in person, on weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 14 p.m. to 17:30 p.m., to complete the rest and end of the exercises in degrees 1 to 4 and answer the second questionnaire.

You validate Ethological Knowledge 1-2-3 at the end of the training.


You are evaluated via :

  • 1 written questionnaire on the videos of the “MOOC Practical Degrees 1 to 4” module, carried out during the first face-to-face training session (Week 3)
  • 1 written questionnaire on the theory of Knowledge 1, 2 and 3, carried out during the second face-to-face training session (Week 8)
  • 1 video on the technique of Knowledge 1, 2 and 3 (presentation of exercises with your horse), to be sent during the remote period (week 7)

Pratical information

Sign up now

The proposed dates do not suit you? You can contact us on 01 30 88 49 00 or by email info@lacense.com so that we can offer you a solution.

Pay a deposit of 30% per item

By purchasing on our site, you participate in the financing of innovative and responsible solutions from our Endowment Fund, which contribute, through understanding animals, to reconnecting human beings with Nature. Learn more

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Professional supervisors

Certifications at stake

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