All professional training
Professional horse professions, you develop new skills, as part of the professional formation continues, continuing your activity. You get recognized diplomas by the French Equestrian Federation, the University or the professional branch. They promote your know-how to your customers and your private or public partners.
Acquire and transmit skills
You enhance your professional skills, thanks to ethological knowledge and Federal Patents for Ethological Horse Riding Supervision. By continuing your activity, you participate in training modules lasting 3 to 5 days. Framed by theLa Cense team, you enrich your technical and educational know-how.
Finally, you access the theoretical and practical supports of the La Cense method and develop your knowledge of horse behavior, during teachings given by ethologists.
Prepare Ethological Knowledge
Prepare BFE EE 1 and 2
The Federal Certificates for Ethological Horse Riding Supervision (BFE EE) validate your teaching skills in ethological horse riding. They allow you to pass on and validate ethological knowledge to your students.
Pass the BFE EE1 and 2 exams
La Cense organizes examination sessions for the passage of the Federal Patents for Ethological Horse Riding Supervision. They are open to all teachers who have validated the prerequisites, whether or not they have prepared for the Cense.
Calendar :
- 27-28-May 2023
- 17-18 June 2023
- 25-26 2023 November
To register, please complete this form and return it to us by email or post.
Acquire and transmit scientific knowledge
Behavior, habitat, diet, health and education, you develop your skills to optimize your management of horses, while respecting their well-being.